An entire museum completely occupied by comics. The six floors of the Centre Pompidou in Paris celebrate 60 years of the ‘band dessinée’ from 1964 to 2024, probably the biggest exhibition ever organised by a museum dedicated to the ‘Ninth Art’. The only author, among the many who will have their works on display, to have a dedicated section is Hugo Pratt.
‘Corto Maltese, une vie romanesque’ just opened its doors on 29 May and is already a great success with the public and critics.
Corto’s own success was also boosted by the huge media coverage that French TV and newspapers gave to the event. Le Monde, Liberation, Le Figaro and Tv5 dedicated entire pages and covers to the character created by Hugo Pratt. In Italy too, the main television networks, Rai, Mediaset and Sky aired images of the inauguration of the exhibition that, we remind all those planning a visit to Paris, will remain open until 4 November 2024.
Press review
Sky TG 24, Al Pompidou di Parigi la più grande mostra sul fumetto
Rai News, Corto Maltese, une vie romanesque, servizio di Giovanna Botteri al min. 22.05
TV5 Monde, Intervista a Patrizia Zanotti, min 13.21
Le Figaro, Corto Maltese est le plus littéraire des héros de BD
Le Monde, Le Centre Pompidou consacre enfin la bande dessinée
Lo Spazio Bianco, Corto Maltese ospite d’onore al centre Pompidou
Sky Arte, Il Centre Pompidou di Parigi apre le porte ai maestri del fumetto
AfNews, Corto Maltese ospite d’onore al Centre Pompidou di Parigi!
Fumettologica, La grande mostra sul fumetto al Centre Pompidou di Parigi
Arttribune, Al Centre Pompidou di Parigi parte una mostra senza precedenti sul fumetto
Artscape, Corto Maltese, Une vie romanesque
Corto Maltese, Une vie Romanesque
Bibliothèque publique d’information – Centre Pompidou, Parigi
Nivel 2
Free admission subject to availability of seats
12:00 – 22:00, todos los lunes, miércoles, jueves, viernes
12pm – 10pm, every mondays, wednesdays, thursdays, fridays
10am – 10pm, every saturdays, sundays
The ‘Corto Maltese, une vie romanesque’ exhibition at the Bibliothèque publique d’information is accompanied by a rich programme of events, including meetings with specialists in Hugo Pratt’s work and with authors who are passionate about the character of Corto Maltese and his world.
The exhibition at the Bibliotheque Publique de Information explores the literary dimension of Corto’s travels through the political and historical upheavals of the first decades of the 20th century, through a selection of original documents such as photographs, notes, storyboards, sketches, studies, plates and watercolours.
Between reality and fiction, imagined and historical characters, literary quotations and imaginary biographies: prepare yourself for a journey into the Prattian space-time dimension, which changed the traditional codes of comics. And looking at Corto with a book in his hand, we are certain that you too will recognise the imposing figure of Hugo Pratt against the light.

La BD à tous les étages
« Bande dessinée (1964 – 2024) » | Exposition, Galerie 2, niveau 6
«La BD à tous les étages» ofrece una inmersión completa en los múltiples universos del género. Acoge, además de las de la exposición individual dedicada a Corto Maltés, tres obras originales de Hugo Pratt.
« La bande dessinée au Musée » | Accrochage Musée, niveau 5
The world of comics takes center stage at the Musée national d’art moderne at the Centre Pompidou. In the crossbeams on level 5, historical masters are in the spotlight, while in the room, contemporary authors engage in a dialogue with the Museum’s masterpieces.
In resonance with the permanent layout of the modern collection (1900-1960), six monographs dedicated to great comic book artists Edmond-François Calvo, Will Eisner, Hergé, George Herriman, Winsor McCay and Geo McManus are presented, highlighting iconic comic strips. Extraordinary sets are assembled around the masterpieces Little Nemo in Slumberland (Winsor McCay), Krazy Kat (George Herriman) and On a marché sur la Lune (Hergé).